Trauma Survivor & Advocate

Jessie Huang is a trauma survivor and advocate. She writes about domestic violence, surviving NYC’s criminal justice system, PTSD, mental health, sobriety, and coping skills on Medium and on her blog, One Survivor Story.

Writing About Trauma and PTSD

I am a domestic violence and criminal justice system survivor.

I write as a means to cope, create art out of something negative, connect with others, and share tips / experiences.

Topics I post about include PTSD, living with and treating PTSD, trauma, mental health, addiction, sobriety, various coping mechanisms and therapies I’ve tried, etc.

My main goal is to be a good advocate and role model for others experiencing similar traumas or difficulties.


One Survivor Story


The name of my blog is One Survivor Story.

In addition to blog posts, the website includes an ever-growing list of resources I’ve worked to slowly compile. It includes services I’ve taken advantage of such as:

  • Free government walk-in centers for victims of domestic and gender-based violence in need of assistance (mostly NYC-based).

  • National domestic violence, mental health, suicide, and PTSD hotlines.

  • Substance abuse resources.

  • Non-profits that can help find victims free therapy.



Featured Medium posts selected by curators


I cross-post to Medium sometimes, because that’s where the bulk of my readership and engagement comes from.

Below are stories Medium curators have deemed high-quality, and selected for targeted distribution across their platform.